Why Am I Running for Precinct Delegate?


I’m Randall Bytwerk and I am on the ballot on the August 6, 2024 primary election for Republican delegate for Precinct 3 in Grand Rapids Charter Township.

Map of Precinct 3, Grand Rapids Charter Township

I am running because as a long-term Republican I am appalled by the direction the party has taken. The Kent County Republican Party, which produced Senator Arthur Vandenberg, President Gerald R. Ford, Congressmen Paul Henry and Vern Ehlers, is now controlled by “Republicans” who believe in stolen elections, a peculiar version of Christianity, and conspiracies to kill us with COVID vaccines.

People like me who were once pleased to be in the company of principled Republicans are now RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to the interlopers who have captured the party, and who have no sense of what the Republican Party once stood for.

Well, if you despise people like Vandenberg, Ford, Henry, and Ehlers, don’t vote for me.

I think they represented the best of our party.

If you would like to see the once Grand Old Party return to its foundations, I ask for your vote. If enough real Republicans become precinct delegates, we can take back our party in Kent County.

For more about me visit my home page.

If you have questions, email me at: bytw@calvin.edu.